uCertify has updated its Instructor tools and SMART APP for students and instructors. Explore them below:

uCertify SMART App:
- uCertify SMART App is now updated for making students up to date latest smartphone technologies. The SMART App is now updated with the latest Android version Android Pie. The updated app works smoothly on the iOS and Android devices, not any issues are reported until now for our app.
- The SMART App now has the option to permanently hide the rating modal box that has been introduced for students.
- Also, students can now distinguish between bookmarks, confidence, and notes added by them within the chapters as the SMART App introduced color highlight option on different dots for different options.
Access Code Details for Instructors:
This update enables instructors to view access code details via Invite tab drop-down. The tab shows the details such as the name of the person who ordered the access code, date on which it was ordered, course name, permission, order number, last enrolled user, last used date, and access code status. Instructors can also view the enrollment details under a particular access code via Action drop-down.
With this update, instructors can easily get all the details related to the access code at one place which was not available to them earlier.
So, enhance your learning experience by logging into uCertify!