Prepare for CIW Site Development Associate certification exam with Site Development Associate course and live-lab. Live-lab is real computer equipment, networked together and conveniently accessible over the Internet using virtualization. The study guide covers all the objectives of the 1D0-61B exam that includes identifying steps in the website planning and development processes; technologies for enhancing the user’s web experience; design and color principles for web pages; demonstrate the knowledge required to create a web page, and much more. Our courses provide instructor-led training or ILT. The courses are equipped with 60+ interactive item types that offer a complete understanding of exam topics.

The course covers the following exam topics:
- Hyperlinks
- CSS Colors
- Web Forms
- HTML Coding
- Work Consulted
- Extending HTML
- HTML Tables and Frames
- Web Developer Resources
- CSS and Graphic Elements
- Website Development for Business
- Video, Audio, and Image Techniques
- GUI HTML Editors and Mobile Web Sites
- Markup Language and Site Development Essentials
The course comes with the following learning resources:
- 10+ Lessons
- 39+ LiveLab
- 348+ Quizzes
- 76+ Flashcards
- 23+ Pre-assessments
- 76+ Glossary of Terms
- 151+ Post Assessments
About The 1D0-61B Exam
CIW Site Development Associate certification is a vendor-neutral, entry-level credential designed for IT, marketing professionals, website designers, and graphic artists. This certification is a part of the CIW Web Foundations Series. The Site Development Associate certification proves your competency as a computer technician by measuring your skills in areas such as web page development and being a productive part of a Web site development team. The certification is mainly targeted at:
- Graphic artists
- IT professionals
- Website designers
If you are willing to get the certification then enroll in the uCertify study guide without wasting your time. The course offers all the knowledge for passing the exam in your first attempt.