Cisco certifications provide industry-recognized credentials for network and system admins. Throughout the certification exam prep, candidates develop an understanding of IT networking and how different network topologies interact to form a secure and efficient network. The certification exam validates the skills to use the top-notch networking and business communications devices from Cisco Systems.

Let us check out the journey to Cisco certification success:
Average Salary: Cisco certification is among the highest paid IT certifications. Higher level in Cisco certification signifies higher salary. The Cisco certification program price is reasonable when compared to other certifications and the related career prospects. Following are the average salary range for a Cisco certified:
Expert: USD 120,000
Professional: USD 98,000
Entry & Associate: USD 71,000
Career Growth: Some organizations (mainly Cisco partners) favor to hire Cisco certified professionals as compared to non-certified professionals. As per the data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of network and computer system administrators is expected to grow by 28% from 2010 to 2020.
Time Required: The time required to obtain a Cisco certification depends on the factors such as time given by candidates for the certification exam prep, type of the training program candidates select, and the amount of experience candidates have in that area. Still, the amount of time it takes to be a Cisco certified is less than most college degree programs while offering a career potential. Following are the average time required to obtain a Cisco certification:
Expert: 6 Months
Professional: 12 Months
Entry & Associate: 18 Months
So, ready to start your prep for Cisco certifications? Check out the interactive Cisco courses and performance-based labs offered by uCertify – an award-winning e-learning platform, start your prep today, and get certified in your first attempt!