A simulated cyber attack against the computer system to monitor the exploitable vulnerabilities is known as a Penetration Test. With regards to web application security, Penetration Testing is generally used to expand a Web Application Firewall (WAF). Penetration Testing can include the endeavored breaching of any number of useful systems such as Application Protocol Interfaces (APIs) and Frontend/Backend Servers to reveal vulnerabilities. Bits of knowledge produced by the Penetration Testing can be utilized to tune the WAF security arrangements and fix recognized vulnerabilities.

The procedure of Penetration Testing might be classified into five stages:
The process of collecting critical data on a target framework/system. This data can be utilized more readily to attack the system. For instance, utilizing open source web crawlers which can be utilized to discover information that can be utilized in a social engineering attack.
Monitoring –
This stage uses specialized devices to facilitate the attacker’s information of the system like Nmap can be utilized to check for open ports.
Propelling Access –
Using the information accumulated in the Observing and Monitoring stages, the invader can utilize a payload to misuse the targeted system such as Metasploit can be utilized for attacks on revealed vulnerabilities.
Maintaining Access –
This stage requires the steps to be involved diligently within the target environment keeping in mind the end goal to collect as much information as possible.
Covering Tracks –
The attacker should clear any hint of invasion and exploitation of the targeted system, any sort of information assembled and keeping in mind the end goal to remain mysterious.
uCertify provides the certification course and performance-based labs for Penetration Testing. The objective of the complete study guide is to enable you to ace a repeatable, documentable Penetration Testing approach that can be utilized in an ethical Penetration. This guide has numerous benefits and after the completion of the course, you will gain expertise in hacking aptitudes that are exceptionally demanded and will set you up for the CEH, CPT, CEPT and the MPCS certifications.
The Penetration Testing course provides the following resources:
- 19+ Lessons
- 112+ Quizzes
- 120+ Flashcards
- 120+ Glossary Of Terms
- 56+ Performance-based Labs
- 100+ Pre-Assessment Questions
- 100+ Post-Assessment Questions
The Penetration Testing course covers the following topics:
- Cryptography
- Web Hacking
- Reconnaissance
- Hacking Windows
- More with Metasploit
- Introduction to Linux
- Vulnerability Scanning
- Introduction to Kali Linux
- Additional Pen Testing Topics
The course helps you in network security by teaching you about the various penetration testing techniques. Learn the skills of pen testing with the Penetration Testing Fundamentals course and become an expert in this profession with uCertify.