uCertify offers the Windows Operating System Fundamentals course and lab which will help you pass the MTA 98-349 exam. The lab is cloud-based, device-enabled, and can be easily integrated with an LMS. Interactive chapters comprehensively cover Microsoft 98-349 exam objectives utilizing the Windows 10 technology. The MTA 98-349 course and lab provide the skills and knowledge that are required for performing a clean install, removable media installation, and a network installation; upgrading via Windows Update, and migrating from previous Windows versions.

The 98-349 course covers the exam topics and provides expertise on topics such as:
- Installing Windows 10
- Understanding Drivers
- Upgrading to Windows 10
- Understanding User Interfaces
- Creating a Custom config.xml File
- Determining Appropriate Editions Per Device Type
- Understanding Windows 10 System Requirements
- Understanding Processor and Memory Architecture
- Migrating to Windows 10 from Previous Versions of Windows
The Microsoft Technology Associate course comes with the following learning resources:
- 57+ Lab
- 8+ Lessons
- 117+ Quizzes
- 2+ Full-length Tests
- 60+ Pre-assessments
- 60+ Post Assessments
- 247+ Glossary of Terms
About MTA 98-349 Exam
The Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) certification is an entry-level training program designed to ensure proficiency and skills in technical knowledge. The MTA training program teaches candidates to understand the areas of core technical knowledge and credibility. The Microsoft Technology Associate 98-349 exam validates the expertise of professionals in the fields of:
- Managing devices
- Managing applications
- Managing files and folders
- Installing and upgrading client systems
- Understanding operating system maintenance
- Understanding operating system configurations
Enroll in the uCertify Windows Operating System Fundamentals course and lab to pass the MTA 98-349 exam in your first attempt. The course and lab are equipped with comprehensive learning resources to provide a complete understanding of the MTA 98-349 exam objectives. So, start preparing for the MTA 98-349 certification exam with this uCertify course and lab!
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